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Sunflower seed pre - pressing workshop

Sunflower seed pre - pressing workshop

  • Classification:Sunflower oil
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-06-12
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Pretreatment and prepressing workshop

Pretreatment and prepressing workshop

Extraction and preparation of sunflower seed cake: The oil in the cake is extracted by solvent, and the mixed sunflower seed oil is desorbed. Desorption is to get rid of the solvent in the cake, and dry and cool the cake. The mixed oil was heated and purified by evaporation of stripping solvent. With high yield, low cost and high economic benefit, sunflower seed oil extraction is a popular technique in modern oil and grease industry.

Sunflower seed oil, whether pressed or extracted, needs to be refined in order to reach the appropriate grade. The refining equipment is used for degumming, deacidification, decolorization and deodorization to obtain the appropriate grade of edible oil.


Henan Jinzheng Grain and Oil Machinery Technology Co. LTD

a1.pngContact person: Manager Wang
a2.pngTelephone: 15638542222
a3.pngE-mail: 1519228

Address: Henan University of Technology

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