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Sunflower oil processing equipment

Sunflower oil processing equipment

  • Classification:Sunflower oil
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-06-12
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Sunflower oil contains no erucic acid, cholesterol, aflatoxin and other additives. Sunflower seed oil contains over 90% unsaturated fatty acids, 80-83% oleic acid and 7-13% linoleic acid. It is rich in protein and vitamins A, B, D and E, etc. In particular, the rich linolenic acid it contains is essential for human body but cannot be synthesized. The content of oleic acid and linoleic acid in sunflower seed oil is higher than that in olive oil. Sunflower seed oil contains a variety of functional components, long-term consumption, has obvious prevention of cardiovascular sclerosis, blood pressure, blood lipid and other effects, as well as special anti-cancer efficacy. With the increasing improvement of people's living standard, the choice of edible oil is becoming more and more important. The excellent health care function of sunflower seed oil has drawn great attention of people, and the consumption of sunflower seed oil has also made rapid progress.

Sunflower seed oil production is currently by squeezing the sunflower seed method, mainly includes two kinds: one kind is shell single squeezed, advantage is simple and convenient, need not too much of pretreatment, the disadvantage is that yield efficiency is low, this is due to the existence of shell greatly increased the squeezing of residue oil content, which reduces the yield efficiency, the residue of oil content as high as 10% - 15%; The other is single shelled press with the advantage that the oil yield is higher than that of shelled press. Improving the final oil yield and reducing the residual oil rate in the residue have always been the core content of people's research, and also one of the difficulties of pressing. The oil content of ordinary sunflower seeds ranges from 20% to 39%, and some varieties are very high. The world consumes a lot of sunflower seed oil every year. It is of great significance to squeeze the oil out of sunflower seed as much as possible, which can not only save resources, but also bring great economic benefits.

Production process of sunflower seed oil:

1. The small oil plant adopts direct squeezing method and USES sunflower seed oil press to press and produce, and the obtained sunflower seed oil and sunflower seed cake are sold.

2. Large-scale production of sunflower seed oil is produced by manufacturers using pre-pressed extraction method.



Henan Jinzheng Grain and Oil Machinery Technology Co. LTD

a1.pngContact person: Manager Wang
a2.pngTelephone: 15638542222
a3.pngE-mail: 1519228

Address: Henan University of Technology

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