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Tea seed oil production equipment

Tea seed oil production equipment

  • Classification:Tea seed oil
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  • Date of issue:2020-06-12
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Tea seed oil production equipment

Tea seed oil equipment also introduced another more common is the high temperature pressing method, this method is mainly used spiral oil press for dynamic pressing. The specific process of the operation is that the instant pressing temperature of the oil in the pressing chamber is higher, so it has an effect on both the oil and the pressed cake. For example, the impurity of camellia oil is more and the color is deeper, which reduces the refining rate of camellia oil. Therefore, when we use the method of spiral oil extraction, the technical personnel in the process is relatively high, but also requires the tea seed peeling treatment.


Henan Jinzheng Grain and Oil Machinery Technology Co. LTD

a1.pngContact person: Manager Wang
a2.pngTelephone: 15638542222
a3.pngE-mail: 1519228

Address: Henan University of Technology

Tea seed oil equipment

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