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Plant oil production equipment

Plant oil production equipment

  • Classification:Vegetable oil plant
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-06-12
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Plant oil production equipment

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of technology, we see that it is becoming easier to extract oil nowadays. Even an ordinary oil mill only needs two people to produce oil. Taking camellia oil as an example, camellia oil mill will first use drying equipment to dry and remove the shell of camellia seed, and then fry it. After frying, it will be ground into tea seed powder on a crushing machine. After heating, it will be put into a grinding tool to make tea oil cake, which can be pressed. Although it can be seen from this production process that the production process has not been improved, is still the ancient method of frying, grinding, extrusion, etc., but the production efficiency has been greatly improved. In the food panic formed by gm, additive and other substances, people have an inscrutable trust in the vegetable oil made by local method, but in fact, the local method does not involve disinfection and sterilization, and the sanitary condition of the making tools cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, although the country allows tea seed processing in the oil press, it does not allow them to be put on the market for sale. The vegetable oils that are allowed to circulate are those that have been processed by such processes as decolorization, deodorization and deacidification.



Henan Jinzheng Grain and Oil Machinery Technology Co. LTD

a1.pngContact person: Manager Wang
a2.pngTelephone: 15638542222
a3.pngE-mail: 1519228

Address: Henan University of Technology

Tea seed oil equipment

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