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The pressing technology of tea seed oil refining equipment is mature and advanced


The pressing technology of tea seed oil refining equipment is mature and advanced

  Tea seed oil refining equipment is one of the most commonly used equipment in oil press equipment,while rapeseed material is a common oil crop.When using oil and tea seed oil refining equipment,users need to understand the technological process of tea seed oil refining equipment.

Tea seed oil refining equipment

  There is a saying of"three pressing,seven frying"in the oil press industry,which shows the importance of frying in the oil press process.With the appearance of original ecological healthy edible oil,tea seed oil refining equipment has also won the sales season.Tea seed oil refining equipment features small investment,simple operation,small space for its own development,very suitable for families to buy,very popular.High quality will become the mainstream of ordinary people oil,tea seed oil refining equipment market prospects!Choose to join to realize your entrepreneurial dream.

  The specific pressing process of tea seed oil refining equipment is as follows:

  1.Before the tea seed oil refining equipment,clean the bottom before the last pressing of rapeseed oil,especially some residue attached to the oil press.

  2.Choose the best rapeseed,not the ones you haven't used in years,but the ones that are fresh,full,and colored.This is how the oil looks and tastes.

Tea seed oil refining equipment

  3.During the operation,please follow the operation procedure.Do not operate the machine to produce and pull hard collisions.

  4,the selection of rapeseed after the stir-fry machine,in the smoke extinguisher to cool,can improve the work efficiency.

  Customer-centric,from the perspective of customers to consider customer needs,customized for customers.Professional service for you,professional technology for you,professional team for you,professional logistics for you!Our factory has rich manufacturing experience,strong technical force,complete equipment,leading product automatic tea seed oil refining equipment,more energy saving and advanced than similar domestic products.


Henan Jinzheng Grain and Oil Machinery Technology Co. LTD

a1.pngContact person: Manager Wang
a2.pngTelephone: 15638542222
a3.pngE-mail: 1519228

Address: Henan University of Technology

Tea seed oil equipment

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